The App Store Review Guidelines are designed to help developers create apps that are secure, high-quality, reliable, and that respect user privacy. In order to ensure this, we’ve always specified that all apps be self-contained bundles. This means that the core features and functionality of the app must be contained within the software’s binary, rather than made possible by referring users outside of the approved app — including through the use of HTML5. Apps that dynamically provide core features and functionality with web technology like HTML5 are best delivered through Safari, rather than through the curated App Store.Guideline 4.7 sections 4, 5, and 6 were updated in June 2019 to further clarify that apps containing or running code that is not embedded in the binary cannot provide access to real money gaming, lotteries, or charitable donations.As a reminder, existing apps must be in full compliance with these guidelines by March 3, 2020.